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The Benefits Of Mobile CRM

The Benefits of Mobile CRM

The Benefits Of Mobile CRM

For decades, companies far and wide have used Customer Relationship Management (CRM) databases to track relationships, set reminders, organise follow-ups, and update their sales pipelines. This kind of data sharing and scheduling obviously remains absolutely crucial to this day, but there is one major drawback to the traditional CRM: It chains people to their desktop devices. In today’s world, that level of rigidity simply won’t cut it for most companies. Flexibility, speed and accuracy are the order of the day in a post-Covid world and these things can only be truly supplied across a business via a Mobile system.

So with that in mind, let’s take a closer look at five of the benefits of Mobile CRM…

1. A Super-Charged Sales Team

Supplying your sales reps with a Mobile CRM means they will always be armed with the information that they need most to hand. Being able to remotely access crucial details via their mobile devices means less time at the office tracking down contact information, checking sales pipelines, and so on. Instead, the time that would usually be lost wading through time-consuming processes in preparation for meetings can be reclaimed and used for doing what they do best: Making Sales! A Mobile CRM is an incredibly powerful tool for any sales team.

2. Improved Collaboration 

A Mobile CRM doesn’t just make life easier and more streamlined for the people out on the road. It also simplifies things for those left back at the office. Sales managers will always have real-time access to all the pertinent information regarding their teams. Data will flow faster from the office to the people out on the road and vice versa, allowing for far more proactive and responsive communication between departments.

3. Happier Customers 

The real-time updates and insights that come with using a Mobile CRM won’t just benefit your business internally. They also dramatically improve your service to your clients. Every customer wants to feel like they matter. They want to feel at ease and comfortable when they need you and there’s no better way to shatter that illusion than having your employees address them with outdated or incorrect information! We’ve all been that customer: On the phone seeking guidance from someone only to feel dismayed as we hear our saviour fumbling about on the other end of the line with papers or reading off inaccurate details. It’s disconcerting and erodes confidence. The added security and accuracy provided by a Mobile CRM means your business will never lose the trust of your clients.

4. Speed It Up!

Your employees will no longer have to spend time at the end of their day frantically keying in their hand-written notes from an earlier meeting. That means no more working from memory and all the inaccuracies that come with it. All of these inconveniences simply evaporate with the implementation of a Mobile CRM. These time-consuming (and frankly annoying!) tasks will instead be carried out whenever and wherever it is most convenient. Key data is updated and synchronised across the business immediately. Aside from the improved accuracy, the amount of time this saves is immeasurable.

5. Save Time, Space and…Trees?

Documents that are traditionally on paper such as order forms or quotes are all handled electronically with a Mobile CRM. Such documents are created, shared and signed off with the appropriate clients or prospects at the drop of a hat. Again, the increased levels of convenience here are immeasurable and it also means you’re doing your bit for the environment by cutting down on your business’s paper consumption and clutter, so well done you!

Applied Business are accredited partners of ERP Software providers Acumatica, Pegasus Opera and Greentree ERP.

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